I’m Erica,

A wife. A mother. A podcast lover. A football fanatic. A dual-certified family and psychiatric nurse practitioner.

A disruptor.

I help nurse practitioners start their own businesses so they can work where they want, when they want.

My Mission:

To help you start and grow your business so that you can make an impact on your community and your life.

Meet Old Erica

I enjoyed my job.

I went above and beyond.

I had job security.

I was well-liked by staff and patients.

But my salary was capped.

I lacked independence.

My vacation time was limited.

I had no vote on meaningful decisions.

And I couldn’t shake this feeling that there was more.

I found out there was more. A lot more.

I’ve helped NPs:

Take back their time

Gain freedom

Increase their income

Impact their communities

Build a life they love

I’ve been where you are:



Working late to finish notes

Wishing I had more time for family

Worried about student loans

Wanting a seat at the table

Now let’s visit where you could be:

In my first year of business, I was able to replace my income, and it’s only been up from there.

Starting a business hasn’t been easy, but it’s definitely been worth it.

I lost time, money, and connections trying to figure it all out.

Through this process, I designed a step-by-step system to start your own business.


The benefit has been more than worth the risk, my friend.

Like having a break in my schedule to pick up my kids from school.

Like not scheduling an 8 am patient so I can complete my morning routine.

Like the freedom to schedule a trip to Jamaica without worrying about the cost.

Like receiving texts from NPs, I’ve helped saying, “Thank you. This is the best decision I’ve ever made.”

The only thing that drives me more than helping my patients… Is empowering nurse practitioners like YOU to take back the reins and create a life of FREEDOM & PURPOSE.

This is what I wish I had when I was starting out.

Put in the effort today to have an effortless tomorrow.

Nurse practitioners just like YOU are using their skills, knowledge, and confidence to build profitable and purposeful businesses.